Strong partners, strong projects!
Blockchain Lab and Blockchain introductory course
There are several power generation plants and flexible loads on the grounds of the Institute for Energy Economy and Application Technology of the Technical University of Munich, which are to be connected to a blockchain for research purposes. In the first step, two generation plants and one flexible load are integrated. OLI Systems GmbH provides the hardware for this and trains the users regarding installation and development of Smart Contracts.
Cellular energy management system
Allgäu Microgrid
In a neighborhood in Kempten, the Allgäuer Überlandwerk implements a blockchain pilot – the Allgäu Microgrid. For this, three prosumer households with photovoltaic systems and two consumption only households were connected to an Ethereum-based blockchain. The market mechanism based on smart contracts enables block-based P2P trading. On the retail side, an app is provided which displays the current consumption. Further, the app allows the customer to set preferences and purchase prices for electricity in P2P trading and shows the results of the market clearing. OLI Systems supplies the necessary software and hardware for control.
Guarantees of origin from a wind turbine
Blockchain-Pilot Ludwigshafen
Im Auftrag der Technischen Werke Ludwigshafen (TWL) entwickelt die OLI Systems GmbH einen Blockchainpiloten in Kooperation mit der Energy Web Foundation (EWF), einem weltweiten Blockchainkonsortium im Energiesektor. Ziel ist es, mehrere Energieanlagen über Smart Contracts anzusteuern und in einen blockchainbasiertes Microgrid zu integrieren. Der Pilot nutzt das „OLI Blockchain Lab“ und wird die technische Machbarkeit einer Blockchainlösung zur Steuerung und zum Monitoring von Energieflüssen demonstrieren.
K20 Industrial Park (Beijing SYS Science & Technology Co. LTD)
K20 is part of a sustainably designed industrial park in Beijing, which is currently under construction. Several buildings within the area are planned and built according to Passive House standards. OLI is used for optimizing self-consumption of electricity.
Combined Energy & Workflow Management in Hospitals
Together with OPASCA GmbH, OLI Systems develops and operates an energy management system which couples the management of patients with the operation of radiation therapy units. The system generates automated recommendations for action without compromising the quality of medical treatments. Energy expenses per patient can be reduced by more than 20%, the hospital can save around € 3.000 per year for each radiation therapy unit.
Research Project „DOSE“ – „Decentralized Open Source Energy Management in Properties”
Together with conventiv GmbH, OLI Systems developed a cost effective, Blockchain-based energy management system. The blockchain based systems allows to monitor and optimize electricity and heat consumption not only in single properties such as private homes or companies. By connecting them further properties can benefit – in the neighbourhood and all over the country.
The “DOSE” project, publicly funded by Baden-Württemberg, was successfully completed by the end of 2020.
“As Open Source hard- and software reduce costs, OLI wants to enable also small and medium enterprises and prosumer homes to use their flexibility and energy saving potentials”, Langniss says. In this publicly funded projects the principle will be demonstrated in a reference property.
Ecocity Qingdao
The Sino-German Ecopark is a pilot for a sustainable cooperation between the Federal Republic of Germany and the People’s Republic of China. Within the project, China and Germany are co-operatively developing solutions for reducing carbon dioxide emissions within the energy system “City”. Most relevant are the areas “Buildings”, “Energy”, “Traffic”, “Water” and “Waste”, but also the overall planning and organization.
Asset-accurate billing with end customers
The aim of the project is to document the system-accurate billing of the electricity supply from the photovoltaic system to the end user via a blockchain on the basis of five sample customers. On the production side, Görlitz Blockchain Gateways and on the consumer side OLI boxes are used for this purpose. OLI Systems GmbH also takes over the configuration of the system as well as the associated programming of the Smart Contracts.
The configuration of the system includes the installation and parameterization of the Görlitz-Blockchain Gateway on the PV system with other necessary hardware components, as well as the connection of the already installed by the enyway OLI boxes on the blockchain. In addition, the Fleet Management Tool of OLI Systems is used for remote maintenance and connection.
The infrastructure used is the “Volta” Blockchain of the Energy Web Foundation, which is a test block chain until the actual launch of the Energy Web Chain.